Sustainability Consulting
small business
grow mindfully.
“The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth.”
Build your business, not your carbon footprint
Small business generates the majority of commerce in the United States. Those small businesses have a significant opportunity to positively impact climate change, as well. The key to successfully implementing a sustainability strategy lies in plans that focus on the major impacts without getting lost in the proverbial weeds. Focusing on the core of the business will yield significant results without breaking the bank.
The first step to a successful sustainability strategy is setting a baseline of current performance. Defining the current state allows businesses to identify the biggest opportunities for impact reduction. The assessment effort also offers an opportunity to identify the groups and indviduals that can support internal sustainability efforts. Get started on your journey with the right information and the right support network.
With a clear and well-understood baseline of environmental impact, the strategic planning work can begin. For small business, planning must address the most impactful business processes first. Small teams don’t have the luxury of “boiling the ocean” in pursuit of zero emissions. They can, however, dramatically improve their sustainability and their communities with focused efforts to reduce their biggest impacts. Engaging stakeholders and building a comprehensive roadmap are just the first steps. Are you ready?
Sharing your sustainability journey can boost your brand perception. Authenticity and transparency are non-negotiable when it comes to telling your sustainability story, however. Accurately and clearly documenting plans, activities, accomplishments, and setbacks make your story credible and compelling. We have been telling authentic business stories for more than 30 years. Let’s tell your story.
- Baseline analysis
- Industry benchmarking
- Stakeholder identification
- Materiality matrix development
- Goal setting
- Strategic planning
- Stakeholder engagement
- Roadmapping
- Infographics
- Commitment statements
- White papers / Case studies
- Annual reports
Authentic Communication
Authentic and transparent communication is crtical in sharing a company’s sustainability journey. Greenwashing is all too common as companies try to comply with government regulations and investor demands or try to gain a marketing advantage by being “green”.
We are committed to telling authentic and transparent sustainability stories. It’s critical for organizations of every size to approach sustainability humbly and openly. Sharing commitments, engaging all stakeholders and reporting results – including setbacks or missed objectives – are essential in building a credible sustainability effort.